Does onion soup frighten you? Don't be afaid. Here is my recipe.
Cut 4 large onions into big chunks. None of this finely minced french style onions. Cut them big and rough. If you want to practice your knife work then you can take 2 sticks of celery and chop it to dust. Throw the chunky onions and celery dust into into a pot and add a drizzle of olive oil, (why is it that olive oil always drizzles, why can't you have a thunder-storm of olive oil) and cook until soft.
Add a half litre of water and a stockcube and simmer for 20 minutes. Surprisingly onion soup tastes rather sweet so for a good topping, and to add some sharpness and contrast, I add freshly ground rose pepper and dill. These two ingredients put on at the last minute when the soup has been laddled onto the bowl, give the soup a rare fragrance.
Now for the AURA blue cheese. This should be added as rough generous chunks, and allowed to melts a little before you get stuck in.
On the side you can have buttered barley bread and tomato. Very simple and inexpensive. Enjoy
dear bob,
please end my suffering, i have searched everywhere for a liqorice sauce recipe and cannot find one. would you be willing to sell, trade, offer the recipe? i would be forever grateful and will name my first child bob in your honor...
thank you....
dear bob,
please end my suffering, i have searched everywhere for a liqorice sauce recipe and cannot find one. would you be willing to sell, trade, offer the recipe? i would be forever grateful and will name my first child bob in your honor...
thank you....
I am very ineterested in your aproval to post some of the recipes on my website for familie in country of Latvia. Pleas let me know if it is possible :)
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