Bread is good but Korvapuusti is better. Bread is sensible and sturdy. Korvapuusti has a tan having been basted with whiped egg. Bread is solid and very serious, it does not make jokes. Korvapuusti is flecked with cinnamon and glows with saffron, it giggles behind its hand, or laughs outright straight in your face. Bread wears steeltoe capped industrial boots, and it stand on the table with its hands on its hips, defiantely. Korvapuusti has satin ballet pumps and frilly pink ribbons, and it will dance until it is out of breath.

Korvapuusti what a strange name (Korva=Ear, puusti=a slap) ( Korvapuusti= A slap on the ear.) Yes the shape of it looks like the ears of a boxer who has gone a few too many rounds with Mike Tyson, or the ears of a Welsh second row forward, that are swollen due to years of rubbing and chaffing on the haunches of the prop-forward.
The secret is in the spices. Into the dough you put cardimum and saffron, and when the dough is rolled out you spead on butter, and sprinkle with sugar, and dust with cinnamon.
1 package yeast
1/4 cup warm water
3/4 cup milk
4 cups flour ( Sunnuntai )
6 table spons unsalted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
Spices Cinnamon, cardimum, saffron.
For glaze: 1 egg yolk beaten with 2 teaspoons water.
When can you eat it? I cannot resist eating it straight from the oven while it is still hot. I know it must be really bad for you, and we have even told the kids wait until it cools, only to sneak a nibble at a fresh korvapuusti while nobody is looking. Korvapuusti is one item of food that can easily turn you into a thief and a hypocrite.
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